Register for TA Canvas Training

TA Canvas Training Sessions – UBC Faculty of Applied Science

At the start of each term in the academic year, CIS holds drop-in training sessions and provides assistance with Canvas and learning technologies available to the Faculty of Applied Science. Instructors and teaching assistants are welcome to join and have their questions answered.

Select an upcoming session(Required)
APSC CIS is offering several sessions throughout first few weeks of each term. Space is limited, so please ensure to enroll promptly!
Once you are registered for the session, you will receive a Zoom link via email.
Please add the link to your calendar for the dates you attend as we do not send reminders.
Next round of drop-in sessions:
Please enter your UBC email. You will receive a confirmation email, including the Zoom link, at this address.
Please list the department(s) and course code(s) (e.g. APSC 101) you will be working on for the current or upcoming term.
If you do not have a specific course, please enter N/A.
Press the plus button on the right to add additional courses.
Enter any specific questions or topics that you would like us to address.