
The Turnitin Suite includes a set of tools to improve the student writing cycle by preventing plagiarism and providing rich feedback to students. The tools are: originality checking (OriginalityCheck), peer reviewing (PeerMark), and paperless grading (GradeMark).

Resources for Instructors

I need help!Solution
Turnitin Help PageCheck out this page.
Turnitin Quick Start Guide (Instructor)Check out this page.
How do I create an account?Check out this tutorial.
How do I create a class?Check out this tutorial.
How do I create an assignment?Creating an assignment in Turnitin.
Creating an assignment in Canvas.
How do I use GradeMark?Check out this video.
How do I use PeerMark?Check out this video.

Resources for Students

I need help!Solution
Turnitin Quick Start Guide (Student)Check out this page.
How do I enroll in a class?Check out this tutorial.
How do I submit an assignment?Check out this tutorial.
How do I access the Similarity Report and Score?Check out this tutorial.